Saturday, June 25, 2011

Guide For Placement preparation

(Mostly for EnTC students.)

1)For technical aptitude (for c,c++,O.S.,D.S.) which books should I refer?

1. C:
a) Let us C (For understanding of Concepts )
b) Test your C Skills. Once 'Lets us C' reading is completed Solve this book completely.
99% 'C' aptitude questions will be from this book.
So no other preparation is needed

This helps for interviews too. Same questions are asked in interview too.
So both a) and b) are very important from placement point of view.

2. C++:
For entc students C++ book by Rajguru is sufficient.
If you do not have time do not do any C++, concentrate of 'C' expertise.

3. DS:
All the things covered in second year data structure subject are needed. Mostly needed at the time of interview. e.g. stack, queue, trees, sorting and searching alogorithms, file handling etc

This is also very important from placement point of view. Once 'C' is done you have to concentrate on this subject.

4. OS:
For students who have completed 3rd year electronics, O.S. is generally not asked and not expected.

5. Computer Networking:
For TE completed students CN knowledge is not expected. But once you have studied CN subject, thereafter its must for many companies.

6. Few companies ask Java, Unix, SQL questions also. But they do not have significant weight for entc students. But having basic knowledge of these subjects can help.

2)For general aptitude (e.g for puzzles,Quantitative aptitude) which books should be refered?

a. Completely read 'Quantitative Aptitude' by R.S. Agrawaal.
Its must prepare book for placement.
Before starting 'C' preparation start reading this book. Before first aptitude test you should have completely read this book.

b. There is other book by same author 'verbal and non verbal' book. It not must but can help for some aptitude tests.

3) What type of questions were there in Nvidia and Marvell aptitude tests? What topics from electronics should we prepare neatly for aptitude tests?

I have not given Nvidia test, so do not know details about it.

This site had aptitude / placement papers for most of the companies. So you can prepare for exam from this site.

It was purely 'C' based test (at our time). 50% negative marking and some aptitude Qs.
'test your c skills' was sufficient to crack this test.
But there pattern keeps on changing as far as I know and they cover other topics too, though I do not have details.

4)For G.D. what should we prepare? Generally what topics are there in G.D.?

For many companies G.D is not there.
I had not appeared for G.D of any company, so no exact details can be provided.

Following can be good sites to know more about GD. But it does not need significant preparation as per my opinion. You get book of GD topics from ABC if you want (any book suggested by owner of book shop is fine)

5)How should we talk to score more points in G.D.?

Answered in 4

6) Was there G.D. for Nvidia and Marvell?
At our time Marvell did not conduct GD
No details known about Nvidia

7) What are questions in interview? Which subjects should be prepared neatly?

For software companies, mainly 'C' is asked. So step 1.1 is must for cracking interviews.
Along with 'C' sometimes DS and C++ can be asked.
Following entc subject reading may help,
1. digital systems (all topics)
2. electronics circuits and application (BJET bising , JFET , MOSFET etc)
and Operation amplifier subject
3. Signals and systems
4. Digital communication
6. Analog communication
its not hard and fast which subject to prepare, interviewer can ask on any topic of any subject you mention you have studied.

8)For Nvidia and Marvell ,are there both H.R. and technical interviews?

At our time Marvell did not conduct HR interview
Nvidia - no details

9)Which topics should I prepare for Nvidia and Marvell's technical and H.R. interviews?
Answered in 7.

10)I know only development and testing fields in companies, are there any other fields? which fields Nvidia and Marvell offer? Which should I prefer?

At the time of interview you can ask what will be your roll. So you can decide if u want it or not. Most of the time, we have not option but to accept the offer irrespective of our roll. Many time roll is not clear so early. It may be decided when u join the company actually.
So Dev/ QA classification is sufficient for now.

If you have any other doubts, you can mail me.
